Friday, September 4, 2009

Yes, He is!!!

he was coming on August 29, 2009. and he left on September 5, 2009. and he is my boyfriend. his name is Nugraha Anggun Putra (his PUTRA without E..).
there were too much memories he left here (it's already too much since in Manado). at this time, there are 5 roses in mineral water bottle, and 1 roses bucket (that's 10 ROSES in there). 10 roses =You are Perfect. i don't know whether its true or not, I don't really care about it actually, since he give it heartedly, even i feel so "euuhh.." before..:p

he is my love, and he brought my heart together to Swiss." yeah baby, I'll wait for you, ABSOLUTELY!" hehe...cannot wait to meet again with him in the next holiday.."You're Mine", "I LOVE YOU". hope u can adapt with their environment as soon as possible, and i believe u can conquer all the subjects, babe..oh ya!my prince, don't forget your promises XD
wishing u all the best in there ya!

with love,
