Friday, September 4, 2009

Yes, He is!!!

he was coming on August 29, 2009. and he left on September 5, 2009. and he is my boyfriend. his name is Nugraha Anggun Putra (his PUTRA without E..).
there were too much memories he left here (it's already too much since in Manado). at this time, there are 5 roses in mineral water bottle, and 1 roses bucket (that's 10 ROSES in there). 10 roses =You are Perfect. i don't know whether its true or not, I don't really care about it actually, since he give it heartedly, even i feel so "euuhh.." before..:p

he is my love, and he brought my heart together to Swiss." yeah baby, I'll wait for you, ABSOLUTELY!" hehe...cannot wait to meet again with him in the next holiday.."You're Mine", "I LOVE YOU". hope u can adapt with their environment as soon as possible, and i believe u can conquer all the subjects, babe..oh ya!my prince, don't forget your promises XD
wishing u all the best in there ya!

with love,


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

sesuatu yang datang bertubi-tubi

hey, it's already week 6!!!half way to EXAM!!gosh..!

memang pada datang bertubi-tubi ya angin, panas, hujan, topan, badai..(LAH?!)
minggu ini banyak yang terjadi dalam hidupku yg selama ini dianggap OK saja, yang "nge-flow". ternyata tidak segampang itu. mau tahukah anda apa sajakah itu? mari kita lihat daftar di bawah ini:
1. Groupwork MRM- maafkan atas kelalaian saya, dui pu ci~
2. Visa pacar saya- yang katanya belum keluar
3. Uang sekolah adik saya- sudah tidak bisa bayar per semester
4. Passport pacar saya- visa sudah dikeluarkan, giliran passport nya belum siap
5. Sakit- masih belum sembuh total
6. Memo untuk pacar saya- orangnya tidak ada kejelasan kapan datang
7. Kangen pacar- i don't have to explain this :)
8. Kekurangan tidur- suka menguap terus di kelas
9. Rumah lama- C-10-3 kontraknya hilang!katanya sih...
10. Ulang Tahun Ibuku- bagaimana mau merayakannya?

NAH!itu adalah hal-hal yang datang bertamu ke kehidupan saya selama 1 minggu ini. kita lihat bagaimanakah hasilnya dari segi POSITIF dan NEGATIF. mari kita membahas segi POSITIFnya terlebih dahulu:
1. saya terlalu sibuk sama diri sendiri dan cepat sekali bangga karena dipilih (dipaksa) jadi leader
2. walaupun penantiannya lama sekali tetapi akhirnya...keluar juga
3. peraturan sekolah baru untuk murid-murid internasional
4. orang-orang imigrasinya sibuk atau kekurangan pekerja, cosmo education juga sibuk
5. karena masih makan makanan dan minum minuman yang merangsang lendirnya
6. karena masalah passport, jadinya dia tidak pasti kapan ke sini
7. ya iya la kangen~saya mencintai dia, lagipula LDR gitu loh~
8. terlalu sering bergadang dan tidak bisa mengatur waktu dengan baik
9. salah meletakan barang
10. saya sedang menempuh ilmu di malaysia, tapi bisa merayakannya di jakarta oktober nanti

Think positively, berserah dan bergantung pasa Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
segi NEGATIF nya?next time ya..ok?
sekian dulu dan terima kasih

Have a blessed day, everyone
GBU ^__^y

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


what's dat code?itu ada lah subject PASAR-ing yg WOW!asik banget pelajarannya, gurunya asik, tugasnya...jangan di tny lg deh asiknya. ASIKnya RAME-RAME...XD
i promise!i won't do anything LAST MINUTE!someone help me to fulfill that :)
huff!today is the submission of Integrated Marketing Communication, i submitted on the submission box together with my ex-housmate, ZOLOW, and Dicky. they're went there to submitted International Trade Law (if i'm not mistaken) a bit thriller >.<
but they still got another assignment which has the same due date with trade law..gud luck then for u two.
later on, i will take that subject (i have to TT__TT) bcoz thats my core subject for majoring in IB

oh yah, yesterday i moved to a new apartment unit, C-9-2, its a corner unit!!!so exciting!
it has bigger master room (the one i rent in), also its just finish renovate. unfortunately, all my stuff (of course my sister's too) still in the living room, tonight i must finish "beres-beres"..xp
hope so~~

sekian dulu dan terima kasih
GBU guys...^_____^y

Monday, August 17, 2009


wow!finally, after 2 years i've been busy (cie ile busy skrg bahasanya), then i left this blog "maelstrom"-ly..:)
2 years back when i created this blog, i was a pre-u student, and now i'm MONASH!!(plok plok plok..).quite impressive, huh?wish me luck then!
oh ya, i got good news which i need to tell everyone(some of my friend told me that im a SOMSE girl which never share the new newa from me, erm actually i posted in FACEBOOK about my status, maybe they're too lazy to check it out or "gaptek" kali ya..hihi *no offense*)
the GOOD news is i'm in a relationship now with a boy named ANGGUN!a bit funny, isnt it?his nickname is ANGGUN, his middle name is ANGGUN, his family name is ANGgun..hehe
i do love him so much, and i infected by his love :)

damn!i almost miss my class, so see ya!
GBU guys..^__^y