what's dat code?itu ada lah subject PASAR-ing yg WOW!asik banget pelajarannya, gurunya asik, tugasnya...jangan di tny lg deh asiknya. ASIKnya RAME-RAME...XD
i promise!i won't do anything LAST MINUTE!someone help me to fulfill that :)
huff!today is the submission of Integrated Marketing Communication, i submitted on the submission box together with my ex-housmate, ZOLOW, and Dicky. they're went there to submitted International Trade Law (if i'm not mistaken) assignment..wow..sounds a bit thriller >.<
but they still got another assignment which has the same due date with trade law..gud luck then for u two.
later on, i will take that subject (i have to TT__TT) bcoz thats my core subject for majoring in IB
oh yah, yesterday i moved to a new apartment unit, C-9-2, its a corner unit!!!so exciting!
it has bigger master room (the one i rent in), also its just finish renovate. unfortunately, all my stuff (of course my sister's too) still in the living room, tonight i must finish "beres-beres"..xp
hope so~~
sekian dulu dan terima kasih
GBU guys...^_____^y